What would you do if you could make anything explode with the power of your mind? This power can be achieved by infusing your target with energy until it explodes. For example, if your target is a person, then you turn them into a living bomb. To quote the first Ghostbusters movie, “Imagine life as you know it ending instantaneously and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.” That pretty much sums up what happens to the target of this power.



I had a thought about the setting for my future zombie story. Most zombie stories revolve around zombies taking over the entire world and the world’s governments failing to contain it. However, what if the government did manage to quarantine a zombie outbreak in time and contained it in one location? Therefore, I will be depicting my zombie story in a handful of counties that have been quarantined by the government before the zombie outbreak could spread. The story will be told from the point of view of survivors who are fighting to survive in the quarantine zone.


In addition to researching how zombies could be scientifically plausible, I have been researching videos that listed countless ways in which one could survive a zombie apocalypse. With these videos and ideas, I have a treasure trove of inspiration to draw upon for my future zombie apocalypse story. Some of these videos provided ideas that were quite unexpected and might put a good twist to the story. Once my schedule opens up, I look forward to watching more of these videos. As an added bonus, if a real life zombie apocalypse breaks out anytime soon, I will be well informed on what to do to survive.


I have come to realize that the most unlikely survivors of a zombie apocalypse are the slackers, individuals who have dedicated their lives to doing absolutely nothing. Before a zombie apocalypse happens, people would initially underestimate a slacker’s survival capability. However, when the zombie apocalypse happens, the slackers prove to be surprisingly good at killing zombies and staying alive. For my future zombie story, I am thinking of making the main characters slackers. I have plenty of experience about being a slacker so inspiration will not be a problem.



Allow me to give you a little history lesson regarding Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and the Kingmaker. In the beginning, Warwick was a powerful supporter of Edward, Earl of March, since before Edward’s father died. It was thanks to Warwick’s efforts that Edward became king of England and overthrew Henry VI. In Edward’s early reign, Warwick served as the king’s right hand man and made sure that Edward’s hold on the throne was rock solid. In his heart, Warwick wanted to be Edward’s right hand man because it gave him a golden opportunity to be the true power behind the crown. However, what Warwick did not consider is whether or not his hold over Edward would last once Edward was crowned.

After successfully negotiating a political marriage for Edward with France, Warwick returns to England to find that Edward was already married to a minor noblewoman named Elizabeth Woodville. Like most of the senior nobles, Warwick found the Woodvilles’ sudden rise to power hard to swallow because he viewed them as opportunists muscling in on the established order. Warwick felt so betrayed that he did not bother attending some of Edward’s meetings with his privy council.

Some time later, Edward sends Warwick to negotiate a trade deal with France, but it was only a pretext to keep Warwick out of the way. While Warwick was away, Edward formed an alliance with the duchy of Burgundy, who were the Woodville’s favourites and the sworn enemies of the French at the time. When Warwick hears of this, he becomes increasingly paranoid that he was losing his control over Edward along with his power over the court.

In an attempt to outmaneuver the Woodvilles and reestablish some of his lost power, Warwick tried to negotiate marrying one of his daughters to Edward’s younger brother, George the Duke of Clarence. Until Elizabeth Woodville produced a son, Clarence was heir to the throne. However, Edward refused because he planned to marry George off for political gain, which was pretty rich considering Edward’s own choices. It was at this moment that Warwick fully realized that his power and influence over Edward was completely gone, which was an intolerable position for him to be in after all of his efforts. However, Warwick was not the kind of man who would go down without a fight and he started planning his revenge against his king and the Woodvilles.

A few years later, Warwick sent one of his servants to start an uprising in northern England by spreading rumors that the Woodvilles were stealing tax money for themselves. All of a sudden, Edward needed Warwick back in the game. Warwick did not reply and married his daughter to the Duke of Clarence in defiance of the king’s orders. Edward marched to the north to quell the uprising and summoned Warwick to explain himself after hearing Warwick disobeyed him. In response, Warwick and Clarence published an open letter that accused the entire Woodville family for enriching themselves at the kingdom’s expense and invited anyone who shared their opinion to join them in Canterbury. Warwick’s letter was an open invitation to rebellion and high treason.

Warwick eventually captured Edward and imprisoned him. Warwick’s original plan was to have Edward declared a bastard and replaced by his brother the Duke of Clarence, but that would never work as long as Edward was alive. For sentimental reasons, Warwick did not have either the spine, guts, or balls to kill the king and kept him alive in order to keep his own options open. Unable to bring himself to kill his king, Warwick instead unleashed his frustration and hatred in a killing spree that was meant to exterminate as many of the Woodvilles as possible. Ultimately, Warwick did not think his plan through because without a king to govern the kingdom, the chaos he orchestrated in the north spread south. Warwick tried to ask support from the other nobles, but they just laughed at him because he was the one who arrested the king and started all the trouble in the first place.

With no other options open to him, Warwick had no choice but to release Edward and hope that his life would be spared for his treason. At this point, Edward was too soft to do what needed to be done. Therefore, he forgave Warwick and Clarence, but the three of them would never be fully reconciled.

A few years later, another revolt broke out in Lincolnshire and Edward sent the troops to reestablish order. When the rebels were defeated, Edward’s men found letters that implicated both Warwick and Clarence in the rebellion. Knowing that they would not be forgiven a second time, Warwick and Clarence fled to France and brokered an alliance with Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI. As part of the deal they made, Warwick and Margaret plotted to overthrow Edward and replace him with Henry VI.

Fortunately, Edward managed to escape to Flanders before Warwick and his men could capture him. Also, Edward’s wife and children sought refuge in a church and were protected by the laws of sanctuary. That meant that Warwick and his men could not attack them without suffering dire consequences from the Pope. With Edward and his heirs out of the way, Warwick quickly established Henry VI to the throne, but Henry proved to be as weak and simple minded as before.

Edward returned to England after raising an army across the channel. In an attempt to raise support for Henry VI, Warwick paraded the old king through London, but all the people saw was a feeble and senile man. When Edward came to London, he was seen as an ideal warrior king at the head of an army and many lords gathered to their cause. Henry VI was imprisoned again and Edward’s wife and children were safe. With those two things on the to do list done, Edward and his forces hunted Warwick down.

Warwick and Edward faced one another off one final time in Barnet with Warwick’s army numbering 15,000 and Edward’s numbering 12,000. Despite being outnumbered, fortune favored Edward as bad weather caused Warwick’s army to accidentally attack itself. With Warwick’s army in disarray, Edward’s host mowed them down. When Warwick saw the battle was lost, he attempted to run for his life, but he was hunted down and killed by Edward’s men.

With the threat of Warwick finally over, Edward had his body displayed outside of St. Paul’s Cathedral as a warning to anyone who would defy him. Shortly afterwards, Henry VI was clubbed to death in his prison cell, which removed the Lancastrian threat to Edward’s rule once and for all. Overall, Warwick was an interesting historical figure and a gold mine of inspiration to draw from.


I discovered some very interesting facts about bathing. In the latest episode of The Grand Tour, I learned some spas in Georgia (the country not the state) allow you to bathe in wine. Since they have been brewing wine in Georgia for four thousand years, it would make sense that it would become an integral part of their culture in unique ways. I do not drink wine (I taste and spit it out instead) so this would be a preferable alternative. Also, there were some baths that involved sprinkling rose petals in the water. The Egyptian queen known as Cleopatra would bathe in water that was marinated in the petals of damask roses. I am thinking of introducing a combination between these two bathing methods in my third volume in the Magnus Dynasty Saga. The combination would leave you smelling citrusy with a rosy fragrance.



The bond between lovers is a concept that is as old as time itself. We share words and emotions with one another over a period of time and grow closer as time passes. However, I am curious about what it would be like if two lovers formed a psychic connection that binds them in both mind and spirit. Through such a connection, the two lovers would see the truest versions of one another. They will see and feel the good, the bad, and the ugly about one another. There would literally be no secrets between them and they would experience one another’s thoughts and emotions as though they were their own. It would be a bond that cannot be achieved by words or everyday interactions. I am thinking of depicting such a bond in the third volume of the Magnus Dynasty Saga.


In the third volume of the Magnus Dynasty Saga, I have decided on who the villains would be. One of the villains would be the main character’s own sainted mother, who will be a combination between Isabella the She-Wolf of France and Margaret of Anjou. Isabella was the wife and queen of Edward II and she started a rebellion to overthrow her husband in favor of her son Edward III. Margaret of Anjou was the wife and queen of Henry VI and supported the Lancastrians in the War of the Roses until the deaths of her son and husband. The other villain will be a mix between Roger Mortimer and Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick and the Kingmaker. Roger Mortimer was the lover of Isabella the She-Wolf of France and helped her overthrow Edward II. Richard the Kingmaker made Edward IV king and served as his chief advisor until the Kingmaker betrayed Edward three times before being slain in his final rebellion. Overall, the villains of my new fantasy book will be the main character’s mother and one of his chief advisors. One of the chief themes in medieval times was family dysfunction and that dysfunction often gets bloody.


We often see zombies make some kind of snarling or growling noise as they attack their victims. However, I do not see this happening if zombies were real. In order to make noise, you have to be breathing, which is not possible since zombies are dead. Therefore, it would make sense for zombies to not make noise of any kind. The one exception would be the snapping and cracking their joints would make due to the effects of rigor mortis.


In terms of movement, there are two types of zombies: ones that move slow and those that move fast. For the longest time, I wondered which type would be more scientifically plausible if zombies existed. Because zombies are dead, they cannot produce fatigue toxins that would tire them, which gives them limitless stamina. If zombies moved fast, they could literally run forever and tire their prey out, which adds to the suspense to the story. On the other hand, the slow zombies seem more likely because since they are dead, their bodies are rotting as they move and rigor mortis would make their joints and muscles extremely stiff, which would hinder their movements. What do you think? What is more frightening? A fast zombie or a slow zombie? I will be tinkering with this question as I brainstorm my zombie apocalypse story.