“At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge!”

Darth Maul, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

The following contains spoilers from The Acolyte. You have been warned.

I must say I am super excited with the most recent episode of The Acolyte. The mysterious Sith Lord has revealed himself to the Jedi and is about to fight them. The way this Sith revealed himself was creepy and haunting. He used the Force to float from the treetops to the ground behind Osha and the Jedi. This gave him the demeanor of the grim reaper, which symbolizes him as a harbinger of death. The Jedi did not know who or what he was and ordered him to stand down and identify himself. The Sith ignored the Jedi and showed clear interest in Osha. As he stared at Osha, the Sith drew his red lightsaber. In response, the Jedi ignited their own lightsabers and charged at the Sith. With the slightest gesture, the Sith flung Osha out of the way before turning his attention to the attacking Jedi. With one Force Push, this Sith blew away eight Jedi! That was where the episode ended.

This scene lasted only a minute and yet a lot happened and I was left with a lot to analyze. Considering this Sith Lord is an adherent of Darth Bane’s Rule of Two, he is the culmination of the dark side knowledge and power the Sith have been accumulating for the past nine centuries. The fact that he could send eight armed Jedi flying with a mere gesture is evidence of how strong in the dark side he is. Throughout the Star Wars franchise, the dark side of the Force has been described as feeling cold. With this in mind, I imagine this Sith Lord’s dark side presence must have felt colder than any blizzard to the Jedi. Since his entrance gave him a demeanor like the grim reaper, it is safe to say that the coldness the Jedi are feeling is not just the dark side. That coldness is death approaching them! I expect we will see a one-sided massacre next episode. Now that this Sith has revealed himself to the Jedi, he cannot allow them to live. There must be no witnesses if the Sith are going to achieve their Grand Plan a century later.

The Sith Lord was visibly interested in Osha based on how his gaze was fixed on her when he arrived on the scene. I think it’s not just because Osha looks like her sister, Mae, but also because of the unique circumstances of Osha and Mae’s birth. In Episode 3, it was revealed that the sisters were born without a biological father just like Anakin Skywalker. The witches who raised Osha and Mae used an unknown method to impregnate one of the witches with the Force. Later in Episode 3, the witches’ coven was wiped out, Osha was taken in by the Jedi, and Mae was presumed dead. I think the Sith found out about the witches’ secret, manipulated the emotionally vulnerable Mae to start a fire, wiped out the coven, and stole the witches’ secret for themselves. In the years after, the witches’ secret would eventually fall into the hands of Darth Plagueis, who was a Sith Lord who discovered a technique called midichlorian manipulation. Midichlorian manipulation was Darth Plagueis’s attempt to bend life to his will and cheat death. If the witches’ secret fell into Darth Plagueis’s hands, he must have done his own modifications to it in order to create what would be midichlorian manipulation. In Legends, Darth Plagueis’s experiments with midichlorian manipulation eventually resulted in the birth of Anakin Skywalker. The Acolyte must reveal how the Sith found the secret that would lead to midichlorian manipulation.

There is also something to consider with the events in the most recent episode. The only other person with Mae who is affiliated with her is the potion maker by the name of Qimir. The possibility exists that he could be the mysterious Sith Lord who trained Mae in the ways of the Force. If that is the case, Qimir is obviously too young to be the true Sith Master, which means he is actually the Sith Apprentice. With this in mind, who and where is the true Sith Master? Who and where is the true Dark Lord of the Sith? If Qimir is the Sith Apprentice and is this strong in the dark side, how strong is the true Sith Master? If Qimir is the mysterious Sith Lord, it should be noted that he was face to face with multiple Jedi and they never suspected him for being a Sith. He would be so skilled at playing the fool because who is going to look twice at a fool? This would also highlight that the Rule of Two Sith have spent centuries perfecting the ability to hide in plain sight even when in the presence of the Jedi. Palpatine himself will have mastered this technique to its highest level in the Prequel Era.

The thing to keep in mind is that Mae is only an acolyte and not a true apprentice. As an acolyte, Mae is merely a candidate for apprenticeship, which makes her expendable and replaceable to the Sith. She’s just a tool used to do the Sith’s dirty work like Asajj Ventress was when she was trained by Count Dooku. If Mae fails in her trials, she will be cut loose and the Sith will turn their attention to someone more useful to their designs. Since Mae was born through the Force without a biological father, I think the Sith are testing her to see how strong a being like her would be against Jedi. Whether she succeeds or fails in her trials, she will provide the Sith with the results they seek for their experiment.

Overall, I am both excited and curious about what to expect as The Acolyte continues. The haters can whine and complain as they always do, but I enjoy this show completely.


The first illustration for my upcoming superhero series has been completed. I plan to feature it on one of the covers. I tinkered with it and it looks great! It has the look of a classic comic book cover. I look forward to releasing this cover when it is time for my series to make its debut. Creation of the second illustration has begun and I am currently on standby with my illustrator. I will keep you posted on all developments.


“We must accelerate our training program. You must learn to attack me whenever and wherever I least expect it. And you, you must give no quarter.”

Clouseau to Cato, A Shot in the Dark

I have been brainstorming on how the superheroes in my series will train and I think I have an idea. I remember in the Pink Panther series that Inspector Clouseau would be routinely ambushed by his employee Cato. I am thinking of having my superheroes be in a similar situation where they are routinely ambushed in order to keep them vigilant and alert as well as keep their skills sharp.


The illustration process for my new superhero books has begun. I was presented with the roughest draft of the first illustration and I like what I see so far. This draft featured the character’s pose and physical build. However, the draft had no other characteristics yet, which will be implemented in later drafts. This particular illustration will depict the main supervillain of the entire series. Out of the three planned illustrations, this one is the one I look forward to the most, which is why I started with this one. I will keep you updated on any further developments.


Due to seeing a number of superhero documentaries, I learned that the superhero genre as a whole has a tendency to reflect on the times that we live in. Because of this, I decided to follow this tradition with my upcoming superhero book series. I decided to include a number of themes that reflect the times we live in:

1.) Pandemics

2.) Bigotry

3.) Inequality

4.) How media saturates the world

5.) Division

6.) Government corruption

7.) Cults of personality

8.) Oppression

As these themes fester in the story’s setting like gangrene, the world is broken, consumed by despair, and on the verge of chaos. As the story progresses, it will be up to a small group of individuals to fix the broken world and inspire hope among the masses. After all, it is in times of darkness that we need heroes the most.


I finally found an illustrator for my upcoming superhero series. I’m currently putting some things together before I can move forward. This artist has a style that looks like anime/manga, which is exactly the kind of style I had been looking for. Once he does the cover illustrations, I can finally proceed to publish the first three volumes of my superhero book series. Wish me luck!


“How many weapons do you wield?”

“Just one.”

“No. The fist, the knee, the elbow, the head. You must lash out with every limb, like the octopus who plays the drums.”

The Sphinx and the Shoveller, Mystery Men

The superhero genre has often featured either superheroes with powers or superheroes without powers who rely on martial arts and gadgets. In my new superhero series, the superhero team will be a mix between these archetypes. They will have powers, but they will also know martial arts and have gadgets. This will make them more effective when it comes to fighting crime and have more options in combat situations. Think of them as being a mix between Superman and Batman. My superhero team won’t be like this at the beginning of the series. For the first nine volumes, they will be ordinary people struggling with their newfound powers. It is not until volume thirteen that they start becoming like this.


I have finished the main bits of act three of the three-part story arc that revolves around the main supervillain’s rise to power. The third act will require some expansion in a number of areas, but the important parts are done. This story arc has been intense as I depicted the main supervillain’s origin story and how he built a power base. I think I have given my supervillain and his cohorts a considerable degree of humanity, complexity, and relatability. I look forward to when these volumes are released. This story arc consists of volumes ten, eleven, and twelve of my superhero series. It will be some time before I can release them because I have not released the first volumes of the series yet. Also, I need to write, edit, and publish six more volumes before I can release this story arc. In the meantime, I will have ample time to refine them. I will keep you updated on all further developments.


“My name is General Zod. I come from a world far from yours. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you. For some time, your world has sheltered one of my citizens. I request that you return this individual to my custody. For reasons unknown, he has chosen to keep his existence a secret from you. He will have made efforts to blend in. He will look like you, but he is not one of you. To those of you who may know of his current location: the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Kal-El, I say this: surrender within 24 hours, or watch this world suffer the consequences.”

General Zod, Man of Steel

After the latest episode of My Adventures With Superman, it looks like the stage is set for General Zod to begin his invasion of Earth. So far in the series, Superman is under the impression that he and his cousin, Kara Zor-El AKA Supergirl, are the last of their kind. In addition, General Sam Lane, Amanda Waller, and Task Force X are under the false impression that Superman is the same Kryptonian warrior that invaded Earth twenty years ago. Now, both Superman and Task Force X are about to be completely caught off guard as General Zod begins his invasion. I wonder how everyone is going to react when General Zod reveals himself. To make the situation worse, General Zod has Brainiac on his side. Brainiac is one of Superman’s most intelligent enemies and has a reputation of destroying worlds after he absorbed all the information they have to offer. That is probably the nature of General Zod’s partnership with Brainiac. Brainiac’s automated armies would give General Zod a self-sustaining invasion force that he would use to conquer while Brainiac would assimilate whatever knowledge the conquered worlds possessed once the conquests are over. I look forward to seeing how Earth will react when General Zod strikes.


In the latest season of My Adventures With Superman, we witnessed an unholy alliance take shape between Lex Luthor and Amanda Waller. These two are a match made in hell. Lex Luthor is an egotistical megalomaniac with a genius-level intellect while Amanda Waller is a stone-cold sociopath without a conscience for who the ends always justify the means. If one were to make a deal with either one of these characters, they would come to regret it. However, if Amanda Waller makes a deal with the likes of Lex Luthor, she is going to regret it. In My Adventures With Superman, Lex Luthor starts out as the assistant of Dr. Ivo of Amazotech, but Amazotech went under after Ivo turned into the supervillain known as Parasite. After that incident, Lex Luthor was at his lowest point and struggled to find a job due to his association with Ivo. However, once he got some motivation from Jimmy Olsen, Lex Luthor located Amanda Waller and formed an alliance with her. Unfortunately, even though their partnership is holding for now and the pair are united by their animosity and suspicion of Superman, I think their relationship is going to sour in the future. Lex Luthor is a man whose vast intellect is matched only by his ambition. Before joining forces with Amanda Waller, Lex Luthor had nothing. Since joining forces with her, Lex Luthor was able to use Waller and her government connections to found his own company, Lexcorp, and form connections of his own in the defense department. Once Lex Luthor has accumulated all the wealth, influence, and connections he desires, Amanda Waller will no longer be of any use to him and he will cut her loose. It would not be the first time Lex Luthor betrayed Amanda Waller. I remember when he stabbed her in the back in Justice League Unlimited. Maybe something similar is going to happen in My Adventures With Superman.